This file enables your Macintosh to share SCSI devices (scanners, DAT drives, etc) with other Macintosh computers connected to your network. It should be placed in the Control Panels folder.
This is the list of SCSI devices (both real and virtual) on your computer. Select a device to customize its sharing options.
Click this button to create a virtual SCSI device. Virtual devices enable your applications to use SCSI devices on other computers connected to your network.
To allow network users to use this device on your computer, click this box.
This SCSI device is a disk and cannot be shared with SCSIShare. Use File Sharing instead.
When this box is checked, network users can use this device on your computer. Click this box to prevent other users from connecting to this port.
To release the shared device, click this button.
Click this button to remove the virtual SCSI device.
This is the current status of the SCSI device.
Type a name that will identify this device to other people on the network. When network users want to use your device, they will search for and select this name on their own computers.
Type the password that network users will use to connect to this device. Leave this field empty if you do not want to restrict the access to this device.
Click this box to be notified if an error occurs while communicating with a client.
When this box is checked, you are notified if an error occurs while communicating with a client. Click this box to stop notifying.
Click this box to log network users activity into the SCSIServer Log file.
When this box is checked, a log of network users activity is stored into the SCSIServer Log file. Click this box to stop logging.
Click this box to be notified when a network user is connected to this shared device.
When this option is selected, the SCSIShare icon blinks in the menu bar if a network user is connected to this device.
Type a number to set the size of the buffer, in KBytes, SCSIShare will use to perform an operation requested by a network user. The size required depends on the device and the application used.
Type a number to set a time interval, in seconds, SCSIShare will use to automatically release the shared device. The device is released if no operation with the device has been made in that interval.
Type a number to set a time limit, in minutes, for how long a network user can be connected to this shared device.
If you want to be notified when the remote SCSI device is released, click this box.
When this box is checked, you are notified when the remote SCSI device is released. Click this box to turn this option off.
To see the contents of the selected zone, or to enter a password for the selected device, click this button.
To see the contents of the selected zone, or to enter a password for the device, click this button. The button is not available because nothing is selected.
This is the list of AppleTalk zones, or the list of shared devices in the selected zone.
Use this pop-up menu to switch between the list of shared devices in the zone and the list of the zones on the network.
Click this icon to get the information about the SCSIShare product.
This is the information about the data flow through the network connection.
Click this icon to display information about the data flow through the network connection.
To create a new virtual SCSI device and close the box, click this button.
To create a new virtual SCSI device and close the box, click this button. Not available because you have not selected the device ID.
To close this box without creating a virtual SCSI device, click this button.
Select a device ID for the virtual SCSI device to be created.
To confirm your entry and close this dialog box, click this button.
To close this dialog box without changing the password, click this button.
Type the password exactly as it is registered on the SCSIShare server. Use uppercase and lowercase letters if necessary.
If you want the password to be stored and automatically used when this shared device is selected, click this box.
When this box is selected, the password will be stored and automatically used if this shared device is selected.